
Switch to Flash® Player for YouTube™


Switch to Flash® Player for YouTube™ changes the default YouTube videos to the popular Adobe Flash® player.

  • lite addon to change the default YouTube player with no significant memory and CPU usage.

  • Supports both for YouTube page and all embedded videos.

  • According to various tests, Flash player consumes less resources (i.e. CPU usage and RAM).

  • In some cases, Flash player offers more resolution choices comparing to the HTML5 Player.

  • Available for all browsers and platforms.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is Switch to Flash® Player for YouTube™?

    Switch to Flash® Player for YouTube™ is a lite browser addon to change the default player for the popular YouTube website. It changes the video player to Flash, but please note that you need activate Flash in your browser before using this addon.

  • How to install this extension in your Firefox?

    To install this extension for Firefox, please head to Firefox addon store and search for (Switch to Flash® Player for YouTube™), once you find the addon, click on add to Firefox button.

  • How to install this extension in your Opera?

    To install this extension for Opera, head to Opera addon store and search for (Switch to Flash® Player for YouTube™), once you find the addon, click on add to Opera button.

  • How to enable Flash player for YouTube?

    Once you install this extension, the default player for YouTube will change automatically. You do not need to adjust any settings.

  • Is flash player better than HTML5?

    To some extent, Yes. The Flash player consumes less resources comparing to HTML5. It is also more responsive and may offers more resolution choices comparing to the new HTML5 player.

  • Does this extension compatible with all Firefox versions?

    Yes, according to various tests, it is fully compatible with all Firefox versions.

  • Does this extension compatible with all Opera versions?

    Yes, similar to Firefox, according to various tests, it is fully compatible with all Opera versions.

  • Reviews

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